Can I Claim?


Yes, it is possible in certain instances and circumstances, as many have previously, as witnessed on public portals and Social Media.

The answer to this question rests with Solicitors and Claims Experts of which we legally instruct. We are associated with the most experienced Spanish timeshare lawyers.

There has been a lot of cases in precedence, claims monies paid out after court rulings in favour of the victims over the last few years in European Courts.

This has clearly opened the doors to hundreds of thousands of unhappy vacation product owners to push forward and exit their Agreements like never before. Cases have piled up showing that unhappy consumers who have been:

  • Lied to.

  • Mis-sold.

  • Defrauded.

  • Mis-represented.

  • Given an illegal contract.

  • Trapped in a contract by illegal method.

  • Sold a vacation product as an Investment.

  • Sold a vacation product as a Real Estate Investment.

Do have an opportunity to pursue justice and have legal representation to potentially get money back and in some instances, plus interest and costs (As per ex-Anfi client wins within the Spanish legal system).

The amount of money in claims against Companies, Resorts, Resort Developers and Marketers across Europe now potentially running into hundreds of millions of Euros.

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