Frequently Asked Questions

Are you lawyers or a claims management company?

No, we are not Lawyers, Solicitors or a Claims Management Company. Moreover we are extremely knowledgeable, professionals within the field of contract termination investigations and legal instruction. We instruct qualified solicitors or Lawyers upon your behalf after we have done all of the paralegal ground work with regard to your case investigation and case build. Within a brief period of time, the Solicitors are instructed and start work on your behalf. You are contacted very quickly and have a singular Solicitor as your qualified point of contact.

Do I have to pay to come and see you?

No, and you are welcome to come and see us at our offices completely free of charge.

Do you provide a home visit service?

Yes, of course. We would love to come and see you at home. We have a network of Assessment Managers across the length and breadth of the UK. We will not sell you anything, moreover just give objective advice and inform you of our unique service.

Do you offer cancellation rights?

Like with any other law firm you are the boss, you are instructing us. You can cancel our services any time (we are not timeshare, we have no cooling off period as you can exercise your right any time), and in that case, we will refund you those fees which were not spent yet in preparing your claim. Depending on each stage when you are stopping your case it can have different consequences what your lawyers would also inform you to make sure you are making the right decision.

What is the time duration of your work?

Our aim is to complete all of the contract termination investigation work, administration, evidence cataloguing/formatting, case build and handover to a Solicitor within 14 days of the receipt of your correct documentation and paperwork. This entails a lot of man hours of work and commitment by an administrative and paralegal team but we have your best interests at heart at all times and aim to succeed with being on pace as agreed. At point of handover, our work is done and liability thereafter resting with the Solicitor and their specific team.

What is the time duration for the lawyer’s process?

When your case is handed over to the Solicitor, you are in safe hands and their cases normally run anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Obviously, this is dependent on your case specifics relevant to the product, the period when purchased, the legislation changes, evidence and witnesses, plus existing cases that have set the precedence. Some cases are similar and some unique. It’s a specialist area and we diligently and tenaciously work through your case to the best interests of us jointly. We have seen companies use the maximum time limit to respond to communications, to drag their heels and stall for time, plus we have to collate evidence and that can take time also. Again, our legal instructions do know what they are doing, so it will be done within the remit of what is reasonable in way of expectations.

But we have outstanding management/maintenance?

Please do not stop paying your management or maintenance fee payments until the judgment and case is settled. If you are in financial difficulties and struggling to keep up payments, that is a different matter and we can advise you according to the way forward. Under Spanish Law you have no legal right to withhold monies pending a legal dispute.

But we have outstanding finance?

Please do not stop paying your finance payments until the judgment and case is settled. Thereafter you will need to settle the finance. If you are in financial difficulties and struggling to keep up payments, that is a different matter and we can advise you according to the way forward. Under Spanish Law you have no legal right to withhold monies pending a legal dispute.

Can I continue to use my product?

If your management/maintenance fees are up to date, then yes of course, inclusive of any seeded or banked weeks with specific exchange companies that you are contracted to. Although, remember that when you do holiday, there is a high probability that your company will try to convince you to remove your case and buy more! You know already where that will end up getting you!

Do you do no win no fee?

No, we are not Lawyers, Solicitors or a Claims Management Company. We instruct Solicitors and Lawyers from across Europe. Dependent on which Legal Expertise that we are instructing, this will dictate whether there are upfront fees to be paid, along with the procurators and translators. We also instruct termination Specialist Solicitors and Lawyers who may operate their own conditional fee and No Win No Fee Arrangements, by way of their own assessment. Though our work is thorough, we hold no liability to any non-qualification as our work is relative only to termination investigation and legal instruction. All liability on the matter relating any claim instruction rests solely with the instructed Solicitor or Lawyer

How do we establish and build trust?

Trust is earned quickly through rapid and thorough execution of the work contracted and that is exactly what we do through simple process and follow up. This is followed by a rapid handover to the instructed Solicitor which holds the ultimate trust. So we do exactly what we say and exactly what is contractually agreed. Crystal clear, honest process that is easy to follow is logical and has purpose.

Where does my upfront fee go?

They are used to cover but not limited to: Solicitor and Lawyer fixed fee instruction costs, translation fees, private investigator fees, land registry fees, Barrister and Public Prosecutor cost (Procador cost), travelling, meetings and general business administration costs.

Are you confident about my termination?

Many cases have now been through court and have set the precedence. Specific Companies, Developers and Marketers, are now fully understanding of the risks of running from the overwhelming legislation to protect their victims, with so many cases already won against them. This knowledge gives us confidence and strength in position and ultimately your Solicitor or Lawyer, legal proof that laws were broken with similar clients, thus a path to follow which makes sense.

What is the true advantage of your services?

Most people are very aware that personal litigation using established Solicitors is a costly experience. But at the same time, most people are also aware that unless using a Solicitor or Lawyer, most companies and corporations render an individual powerless to gain any satisfaction of resolution or feeling of justice, when clearly duped or mis-sold. So the bias has always been in the favour of the victimiser to run free, potentially and habitually abusing its member base with constant ways of just taking more money off them with false promises of satisfaction and exclusivity. Now our commercial and personal advantage is that finally, regular, honest people can get the expertise that they need to have a fighting chance of justice without having to pay ridiculous costs upfront. Our Service is honest, our fees realistic, thorough and has the Solicitors and Lawyers instruction fees covered so that you have a clear chance of redress. To our knowledge, nobody has a turnkey solution like this, which puts clients first. We care.

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